Friday, November 18, 2016

Let's get down to business... funny business that is!

Sorry not sorry,
But I absolutely had to dig through the inter-web to see if anyone actually wrote non-profit or foundation jokes

Great news everyone... they did!

1) "Knock knock"

    "Who's there?"

    "...The annual fundraising event!"
2) "A Development Director found a magic lamp. A genie appeared and offered one wish. The DD said, 'I wish for one million dollars to support my organization.' 'Done,' said the genie, 'come to your office tomorrow and it will be there.' Next day, the DD came to the office and when she opened the door, three million binder clips fell out. 'What the heck!' she said to the genie, 'I asked for one million dollars!' 'Yes,' the genie replied, 'but you didn't specify that it couldn't be in-kind..."

 3) "What do you get when you cross a Program Director, a Volunteer Manager, and a Janitor?"

      Answer: a situation that is not too uncommon in non-profit organizations

Okay, get ahold of yourselves people, enough fun and games.

Greetings from Alaska Learning by Giving! I hope you have popcorn because guess what? I have a masterpiece movie for you. Magnum Opus material right here. AJ gives us some perspective on personal growth over the class and why other students should take this course! This week, we made our grant selections. More to follow on that!

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